For sale is an Apple Mac Pro Original 2.66GHz Dual-Core Intel Xeon (MA356LL/A),
1. November 2006 Production, 8GB RAM, 2 x 250GB HDD, SuperDrive, Airport Extreme, NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT (512MB) Graphics Card with a fresh install of OS10.7.5 Lion and Power Cord. FUNCTIONS PERFECTLY. It passed Tech Tools Pro 7 with flying colors (see picture). Cosmetically 90/100. DISPLAY NOT INCLUDED. SOLD AS-IS.
2. November 2007 Production, 8GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 1TB HDD, SuperDrive, Airport Extreme, NVIDIA GeForce 7300GT (256MB) Graphics Card with a fresh install of OS10.6.8 Snow Leopard, Rosetta, Xcode and Power Cord. FUNCTIONS PERFECTLY. It passed Tech Tools Pro 7 with flying colors (see picture). Cosmetically 90/100. SOLD AS-IS.